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No Current Winner at the moment
The Highly coverted Rookie of the Year is presented to the Best of the Rookies for the past season.

It based based on points from the Presidents Cup. A rookie is definied by having run less than 5 shows from the previous year.

Season Winner
2021/2022 Tom Callaghan
2020/2021 Cory Smith
2019/2020 Not presented
2018/2019 Beau Doyle
2017/2018 Tom Payet
2016/2017 Keenan Fleming
2015/2016 Chris Griffiths
2014/2015 Nicholas Rowe
2013/2014 Kaiden Manders
2012/2013 Daryl Clayden
2011/2012 Bryn Lake
2010/2011 Andreas Henze
2009/2010 Alfonso Guadagnino
2008/2009 Dayne Kingshott
2007/2008 Tammy Telenta
2006/2007 Paul Drayton
2005/2006 Todd Waddell
2004/2005 Bart Curnow
2003/2004 Not presented
2002/2003 Jason Roser
2001/2002 Not presented
2000/2001 Dene McAllan
1999/2000 Michael Butler
1998/1999 Scott Glazebrook
1997/1998 Dean Merrylees
1996/1997 Mick Goode
1995/1996 Tony Scott
1994/1995 Shane Marden
1993/1994 Tony Tucknott
1992/1993 Phil Hunter
1991/1992 Wayne Hilgert
1990/1991 Not presented
1989/1990 Not presented
1988/1989 Jason Tremeer
1987/1988 Tom Watson Jnr
1986/1987 Gavin Migro
1985/1986 Shane Murphy
1984/1985 Ron Hornsby
1983/1984 Trevor Henderson
1982/1983 Wayne Cover
1981/1982 Not presented
1980/1981 Kevin Hilgert
1979/1980 Rod Bennett
1978/1979 Graham Jones
1977/1978 Ron Pymont
1976/1977 Noel Bradford
1975/1976 Graham Smith
1974/1975 Kevin Bradford
1973/1974 Pud Collins
1972/1973 Bill Sutherland